Announcement: New Website

The new AILA Texas Chapter website is now live. The password you used on the previous site will likely not work, so you will need to reset your password at You can use your member number or account email. If you are unable to reset your password, please send an email to

The new website adds an improved events calendar that will be used to share information about upcoming CLEs, conferences, social events, and other chapter activities. Be sure to share your AILA-related events with for inclusion on the calendar.

The website also hosts a CLE video archive, which will allow active members to obtain CLE credit directly on the website. When we are done uploading Zoom videos, the past year of eligible CLE recordings will be available.

Future features to be implemented will include a downloads section for immigration law related documents and updates, and improved sponsorship functionality.

To report any difficulty using the website, please send an email to

We hope you enjoy the new member experience and welcome your feedback.